
Csak úgy tódultak az emberek a meztelen jógás lány első órájára

„Idegenekként érkeztünk, nővérekként távoztunk” – megtartotta első meztelen jóga foglalkozását a népszerű jógaguru.

Jessa O’Brien számára nem idegen a meztelenkedés. A magát Meztelen Bloggernek nevező ausztrál nő 80 ezer fős követőtábora előtt gyakran oszt meg magáról fotókat az Instagramon, melyeken pucéran jógázik, jellemzően valami idilli környezetben.

A 29 éves jógaguru most úgy döntött, egy lépéssel tovább viszi a dolgot. Múlt hétvégén Brisbane-ben meztelen jóga workshopot tartott „minden korú és alakú nő” számára, melynek célja a női önmegismerés elősegítése, a sebezhetőségek feltárása volt, illetve az, hogy az életük minden területén megújult magabiztossággal ruházza fel a nőket.

FEMPOWERMENT - Brisbane 26/5 🌸💗🌸💗🌸 So last night was my first FEMPOWERMENT workshop with these Divine Goddesses 💖 What a journey ✨ What a privilege ✨ How humbling ✨ How inspiring ✨ I am honoured. Truly honoured. I revere these womens' efforts to delve deep into their vulnerability. To unearth that which has previously kept them from fully embodying their true essence, their radiance, their femininity and their inner beauty which shines infinitely brighter than what we see on the surface. This is strength. An enlightening path to empowerment ✨ A journey to wholly accept ourselves and reclaim our radiance 💗 There were tears, laughter, silence, joy... Coming together as strangers, but leaving as sisters. Unified through our endeavours to love more. Accept more. Let go more. Surrender more. Unravel more. A sisterhood we've in which there is no judgement, only acceptance. One in which we uplift each other and one in which we bear witness to each others' masks, no labels, no clothes... just each they are. A space in which we work to transmute self-loathing and criticism into self-acceptance and love. This is such a beautiful process to bear witness to and a process that I am beyond humbled to facilitate 🙏🏽 These workshops have been on the cards for almost three years now, and last night's journey beared the fruits of this thank you ladies for joining me and showing up for yourselves, and for the group 🙏🏽 You are all DIVINE 💖 🌸 I have another workshop on the Gold Coast in two weeks' time, so ladies, if you are feeling the call to come and join me, click the link in my bio to book your spot 😘 Much love and many blessings, Jessa Xx #FEMPOWERMENT #brisbane #women #naked #nude #yoga #workshop #bodypositive #selflove #truth #goddess #shakti #feminine #empowerment #freedom #liberation #wild #sisterhood #gaia #divine #love #yogi #brisbane #weekend #vibes #saturday #night

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Jessa elmondta, hogy eleinte kicsit feszengtek a résztvevők, az óra során azonban ruháik mellett a gátlásaikat is levetkőzték, és sokan a workshop végére egészen el is felejtették, hogy meztelenek. „Voltak könnyek, nevetés, csend és öröm. Idegenekként érkeztünk, de nővérekként távoztunk” – mondja.

// 💗FEMPOWERMENT - kind words 💗// "I recently attended Jessa’s FEMPOWERMENT women’s only naked yoga workshop. I saw the post at random on my Instagram, and felt immediately connected to it. I was attracted to the opportunity because it spoke directly to my insecurities (self-worth) and to my pleasures (challenging conventional thought). I pulled up the registration form, and stared at it for what felt like hours. I closed it. I waited a few days and reopened it. I completed half of it, and then shut it down. Fears were flooding my mind of all the ways this experience could go wrong, and they silenced many of the ways in which it could actually go right. Even up until an hour before the workshop itself, I was wrestling with whether I should go or whether I should stay at home, watch Netflix, eat snacks, and be in my comfortable, safe space. What got me off my couch was making a deal with myself: that I’d rock up to the event, and decide based on a feeling in that moment if it was right for me or not. And if at any time throughout the event it didn’t feel right anymore, I’d have the courage, and would give myself the grace, to leave. 🌸 When I walked in, the whole vibe was right. Jessa was completely unpretentious and genuine. The space was warmly lit by candlelight and it quickly dimmed my fears of my privacy being compromised by my nakedness in a room of strangers. Disrobing came at a time when only I was comfortable, and not rushed nor pressured into. It balanced privacy and exposure so beautifully, creating a safe space in an of itself. And so the evening commenced, and I knew it was the right place for me. 🌸 If you’re even considering going to a FEMPOWERMENT women’s only naked yoga event, in my opinion, your mind is already made up. Your curiosity is your answer! GO TO THIS WORKSHOP. And go knowing that if it suddenly doesn’t feel right, you can leave, without judgement. Jessa will embrace you, and all the other women attending will bow their heads and hearts to you whether you’re coming or going. 🙏🏽" - Catrina ❤️ . . #FEMPOWERMENT #brisbane #women #naked #nude #yoga #workshop #bodypositive #selflove #humpday

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(via Daily Mail)

Kiemelt kép: The Nude Blogger/Instagram

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