Az nlc. fórumon 20 éves fennállása óta közel 300 ezer témában indult csevegés, és több mint 1 millió hozzászólás született. A Facebook megjelenése és térhódítása miatt azonban azt tapasztaltuk, hogy a beszélgetések nagyrésze áttevődött a közösségi médiába, ezért úgy döntöttünk, a fórumot hibernáljuk, ezentúl csak olvasása lehetséges. Új hozzászólást és témát nem tudtok indítani, azonban a régi beszélgetéseket továbbra is megtaláljátok.

Sütemény receptek angolul

Létrehozva: 2007. augusztus 31. 13:35
sziasztok találtam pár sütemény receptet angolul ami igazán guszták csak sajna nem tudok angolul de ha valaki tud és megszertené sütni csak bátran kiváncsian várom véleményeteket.
  1. Torolt_felhasznalo_861900
    2007. augusztus 31. 14:2926.
    Bounty-Torte (németül van) Zutaten:Für den Rührteig: 175 g weiche Butter oder Margarine 150 g Zucker 1 P Vanille-Zucker 3 Eier 300 g Weizenmehl 2 TL Backpulver 20-25 Riegel Bounty Zum Tränken: 4 EL Eierlikör Für die Verzierung: 400-500 ml Schlagsahne 3 P Sahnesteif 4 EL Zucker 2 P Vanille-Zucker 250 g Schmand etwa 5 Riegel Bounty Zubereitung:Für den Rührteig Butter oder Margarine mit Handrührgerät mit Rührbesen auf höchster Stufe geschmeidig rühren. Nach und nach Zucker und Vanille-Zucker unterrühren, so lange rühren, bis eine gebundene Masse entstanden ist. Eier nach und nach unterrühren (jedes Ei etwa 1/2 Minute).
    Mehl mit Backpulver mischen, sieben und portionsweise auf mittlerer Stufe unterrühren. 2/3 des Teiges in eine Springform (28 cm, Boden gefettet) füllen. Die Bounty-Riegel kranzförmig auf dem Teig verteilen und den Rest des Teiges darauf geben. Die Form auf dem Rost in den Backofen schieben.
    Ober- / Unterhitze: etwa 180°C (vorgeheizt)
    Heißluft: etwa 160°C (nicht vorgeheizt)
    Gas: Stufe 3-4 (nicht vorgeheizt)
    Backzeit 40-45 Min.
    Den Springformrand lösen und das Gebäck auf einem Kuchenrost erkalten lassen. Das kalte Gebäck mit Eierlikör tränken.
    Für die Verzierung die Sahne mit Sahnesteif, Zucker und Vanille-Zucker steif schlagen. Den Schmand unterrühren und die Masse in einen Spritzbeutel füllen. Die Torten Oberfläche damit verzieren und die Torte einige Zeit kalt stellen.
    Die Torte vor dem Servieren mit geschnittenen Bounty-Riegeln garnieren. Abwandlung:Anstelle des Eierlikörs Batida de Coco oder weißen Rum verwenden. Tip:Sie können auch Tortenoberfläche und -rand mit einem Teil der Sahne-Schmand-Masse bestreichen und die Oberfläche mit der restlichen Masse und den Bountys verzieren.
    Zubereitungszeit: 40 Min.
    Backzeit: 40-45 Min.
    Insgesamt: E: 86 g, F: 438 g, Kh: 686 g, kJ: 30573, kcal: 7322
    Torolt_felhasznalo_603598 (0)
  2. Torolt_felhasznalo_861900
    2007. augusztus 31. 14:2825.
    németül van Stricknadeltorte


    Zutaten:Für den Rührteig: 250 g weiche Butter oder Margarine 250 g Zucker 1 P Vanille-Zucker 1/2 Fläschchen Butter-Vanille-Aroma 6 Eier 250 g Weizenmehl 21/2 gestr. TL Backpulver Zum Tränken: 250 ml (1/4 1) kalter Kaffee 3 EL Zucker 2 EL Kakaopulver 1 EL Rum Für die Eierlikörsahne: 400 ml Schlagsahne 2 P Sahnesteif 2 TL Zucker 5 EL (75 ml) Eierlikör Kakaopulver geraspelte Schokolade Zubereitung:Für den Rührteig Butter oder Margarine mit Handrührgerät mit Rührbesen auf höchster Stufe geschmeidig rühren. Nach und nach Zucker, Vanille-Zucker und Butter-Vanille-Aroma unterrühren, so lange rühren, bis eine gebundene Masse entstanden ist. Eier nach und nach unterrühren (jedes Ei etwa 1/2 Minute).
    Mehl mit Backpulver mischen, sieben und portionsweise auf mittlerer Stufe unterrühren. Den Teig in eine Springform (D.: 28 cm, Boden gefettet) füllen. Die Form auf dem Rost in den Backofen schieben.
    etwa 18O 0C (vorgeheizt)
    Heißluft: etwa 160 0C (nicht vorgeheizt)
    Gas: Stufe 2-3 (nicht vorgeheizt)
    Backzeit: 40-45 Min.
    Den Kuchen sofort nach dem Backen mehrmals mit einer dicken Stricknadel einstechen und erkalten lassen.
    Zum Tränken Kaffee, Zucker, Kakao und Rum verrühren und in die Löcher gießen. Den Kuchen über Nacht durchziehen lassen.
    Für die Eierlikörsahne Sahne mit 1 Päckchen Sahnesteif und Zucker steif schlagen. Restliches Sahnesteif mit dem Eierlikör verrühren und unter die Sahne rühren.
    Eierlikörsahne kurz vor dem Verzehr auf den Kuchen streichen und mit Kakao und Schokolade verzieren
    Zubereitungszeit: 30 Min.
    Backzeit: 40-45 Min.
    Insgesamt: E: 92 g, F: 383 g, Kh: 559 g, kJ: 26658. kcal: 6370
    Torolt_felhasznalo_603598 (0)
  3. Torolt_felhasznalo_861900
    2007. augusztus 31. 14:2724.
    Torolt_felhasznalo_603598 (0)
  4. Torolt_felhasznalo_833065
    2007. augusztus 31. 14:1623.
    Lefordítottam az egyiket, ha valakit érdekel:

    Fekete erdő sajttorta (Black Forest Cheesecake)


    18 darab Honey Maid Honey Grahams apróra törve ( ez egy kekszféle)
    1 csésze plusz 3 evőkanál cukor (külön)
    1/2 csésze (1 darab) olvasztott vaj vagy margarin
    1 üveg ( kb. 0.6kg) cseresznyéspite-töltelék ( gondolom befőtt-szerűség)
    5 doboz (egyenként kb. 22 dkg-s) puha Philadelphia krémsajt
    3 evőkanál liszt
    1 evőkanál vanília
    1 csomag ( 8 kocka) félédes sütéshez való csokoládé, olvasztva langyosan
    1 csésze tejföl
    3 tojás
    1 csésze felolvasztott, felvert hab ( díszítéshez, nem írja miből)

    15 perc plusz hűtés/ sütés 1 óra

    A sütőt 160°-ra kell előmelegíteni. 33x22 cm-es sütőforma sütőpapírral kibélelve. Keverd össze a kekszmorzsát 3 evőkanál cukorral és a vajjal, ezt nyomkodd a sütőforma aljára és süsd 10 percig.

    Közben tegyél félre a cseresznyés töltelékből 3/4 csészényit. A krémsajtot a maradék 1 csésze cukorral és a vaníliával keverd össze kézi mixerrel közepes fokozaton, míg jól elkeverednek. Add hozzá az olvasztott csokit és a tejfölt, jól keverd össze. A tojásokat egyenként tedd bele és alacsony fokozaton keverd épp amíg el nem keverednek. Öntsd a krémsajtos tészta felét a formába, rá a maradék cseresznyés tölteléket, a tetejére pedig a maradék krémsajtos tésztát.

    45-50 percig kell sütni, vagy ameddig a közepe megszilárdul. Sütőrácson hagyd kihűlni. 4 órára vagy egy egész éjszakára tedd hűtőbe. Tálalás ellőtt közvetlenül díszitsd a felvert habbal. A főlia segítségével vedd ki a sütőformából. Vágd 16 szeletbe.

    Torolt_felhasznalo_861900 (9)
    2007-08-31  13:44
  5. 2007. augusztus 31. 14:1322.

    Hú ez az oldal nagyon jóóóóóó!  


    Torolt_felhasznalo_861900 (21)
    2007-08-31  14:02
  6. Torolt_felhasznalo_861900
    2007. augusztus 31. 14:0221.
  7. 2007. augusztus 31. 13:5520.
    Melyik oldalon találtad?
    Torolt_felhasznalo_861900 (19)
    2007-08-31  13:54
  8. Torolt_felhasznalo_861900
    2007. augusztus 31. 13:5419.

    nem nem kérem hogy forditsátok le. de ha kereslet van rá akkor még hozok ilyen recpteket, de szerintem nagyon jó, én meg is fogom csinálni az egyiket ki is néztem már.

    jo sütögetést kivánok mindenkinek

    Rizsike (13)
    2007-08-31  13:47
  9. 2007. augusztus 31. 13:5218.
    uhh, ezek tényleg nagyon jól néznek ki  
    Torolt_felhasznalo_861900 (1)
    2007-08-31  13:35
  10. Torolt_felhasznalo_861900
    2007. augusztus 31. 13:4917.
    Garden Cookies

    A recipe for Garden Cookies

    1 (18-ounce) roll refrigerated sugar cookie dough
    2/3 cup all-purpose flour
    6 large green craft sticks
    1 (16-ounce) can prepared vanilla frosting
    Assorted food coloring
    2 (14-ounce each) bags M&M'S Milk Chocolate Candies for Easter
    6 (6-inch) flowerpots or containers
    6 Styrofoam squares or floral oasis

    1. Preheat oven to 350°F. Knead cookie dough and flour together until smooth.

    2. Roll out dough to 1/4-inch thickness. Cut out 6 tulip shapes (approximately 4 inches high and 3 inches wide) from dough, and transfer to cookie sheet. Gather up dough scraps and re-roll, if necessary.

    3. Slide a craft stick underneath each cookie, and press it into dough. Bake until golden brown, about 12 to 15 minutes. Transfer cookie sheet to wire rack.

    4. While cookies are cooling, divide vanilla frosting among 4 bowls. Using food coloring, tint to pink, light blue, yellow and pale purple. Spread frosting over each cookie, and arrange chocolate candies on top. Let dry, about 30 minutes.

    5. Fill flowerpots with Styrofoam.

    6. Press craft sticks into Styrofoam. Arrange green candies around craft sticks.

    no information available

    Makes 6 large cookies

    no information available

    Source M&M'S Seasonal Brands

    Torolt_felhasznalo_603598 (0)
  11. 2007. augusztus 31. 13:4816.
    Ja, bocs, most látom, nem kéred, hogy fordítsuk le
    Rizsike (13)
    2007-08-31  13:47
  12. Torolt_felhasznalo_861900
    2007. augusztus 31. 13:4815.
    Apple Slice Cookies

    A recipe for Apple Slice Cookies

    2 tablespoons red decorator sugar
    1 roll (16.5 oz) Pillsbury Create 'n Bake refrigerated sugar cookies
    2 tablespoons miniature semisweet chocolate chips
    Black string licorice, cut into 1-inch pieces

    Prep Time: 35 min | Start to Finish: 1 hr 5 min

    1. Heat oven to 350°F. Cut 17x12-inch piece of plastic wrap; place on work surface. Sprinkle red sugar evenly over plastic wrap. Roll cookie dough in sugar to coat. Wrap in plastic wrap; freeze 30 minutes.

    2. Remove half of dough from wrapper; freeze remaining dough until needed. Cut dough into 1/4-inch slices. On ungreased cookie sheets, place slices 2 inches apart. Place 3 chocolate chips in center of each slice to resemble seeds. To form slice shape, make 2 indentations on 2 opposite sides with fingers. Repeat with remaining half of dough.

    3. Bake 8 to 9 minutes or until unsugared edges are light golden brown. Insert 1 licorice piece on top of each cookie to resemble stem. Cool 2 minutes; remove from cookie sheets to cooling racks.

    Torolt_felhasznalo_603598 (0)
  13. Torolt_felhasznalo_861900
    2007. augusztus 31. 13:4714.
    Lemon-Blueberry Bundt Cake

    A recipe for Lemon-Blueberry Bundt Cake

    2 cups (12-ounce package) Nestlé Toll House Premier White Morsels, divided*
    2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
    2 teaspoons baking powder
    1/2 teaspoon salt
    1 1/2 cups granulated sugar
    1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter, softened
    2 teaspoons vanilla extract
    3 large eggs
    3 tablespoons grated lemon peel (about 4 medium lemons)
    1 1/3 cups buttermilk
    1 cup fresh or frozen blueberries
    1/4 teaspoon lemon extract (optional)
    2 cups fresh whole strawberries

    PREHEAT oven to 350° F. Grease and flour 10-cup Bundt pan.

    MELT 1 cup morsels in medium, uncovered, microwave-safe bowl on MEDIUM-HIGH (70%) power 1 minute; STIR. Morsels may retain some of their original shape. If necessary, microwave at additional 10- to 15-second intervals, stirring just until morsels melt. Cool slightly.

    COMBINE flour, baking powder and salt in small bowl. Beat sugar, butter and vanilla extract in large mixer bowl until creamy. Beat in eggs 1 at a time, beating well after each addition. Beat in lemon peel and melted morsels. Gradually beat in flour mixture alternately with buttermilk just until combined. Pour half of batter into prepared Bundt pan. Sprinkle blueberries over batter; top with remaining batter and smooth down top.

    BAKE 60 to 65 minutes or until wooden pick inserted in cake comes out clean. Cool in pan on wire rack 30 minutes. Invert onto wire rack to cool completely. Transfer to serving platter.

    MELT remaining morsels in medium, uncovered, microwave-safe bowl on MEDIUM-HIGH (70%) power 1 minute; STIR. Morsels may retain some of their original shape. If necessary, microwave at additional 10- to 15-second intervals, stirring just until morsels melt. Stir in lemon extract. Drizzle over cake; allow to set a few minutes. Place strawberries in center of cake before serving.

    * May use 6 bars (two 6-ounce boxes) Nestlé Toll House Premier White Baking Bars instead of morsels.

    Nutrition Information per serving: 440 calories; 190 calories from fat; 21g total fat; 15g saturated fat; 70mg cholesterol; 210mg sodium; 56g carbohydrate; 1g fiber; 40g sugars; 6g protein.

    Makes 16 servings

    no information available

    Source Nestlé USA, Inc.

    Torolt_felhasznalo_603598 (0)
  14. 2007. augusztus 31. 13:4713.
    Komolyan gondolod, hogy ezt valaki mind lefordítja?
    Torolt_felhasznalo_861900 (11)
    2007-08-31  13:45
  15. Torolt_felhasznalo_861900
    2007. augusztus 31. 13:4612.
    Can't Top This Cheesecake Delight

    A recipe for Can't Top This Cheesecake Delight

    1 Sara Lee Original Dream Cheesecake
    1/3 cup heavy whipping cream
    3 ounces bittersweet chocolate, chopped
    1 ounce white or milk chocolate (optional)
    1/2 cup fresh or frozen raspberries

    Remove cheesecake from pan according to package directions and set on serving plate.

    Pour cream into microwave-safe bowl and cook on HIGH 44 to 55 seconds, or until cream begins to simmer. Add chopped bittersweet chocolate and let stand 1 minute. Stir until smooth consistency. Pour chocolate-cream mixture on top of cheesecake. Tilt plate gently back and forth to allow chocolate mixture to cover top evenly and drizzle over sides of cheesecake. Let stand 45 to 60 minutes at room temperature.

    To melt white or milk chocolate, place in microwave-safe bowl and cook at 50% power 1 minute, stirring every 30 seconds. Drizzle on top of cheesecake, then garnish with raspberries. Serve immediately or refrigerate until ready to serve.

    Torolt_felhasznalo_603598 (0)
  16. Torolt_felhasznalo_861900
    2007. augusztus 31. 13:4511.
    Banana Split Cake

    Take the Cake - Need a dessert to go? This Banana Split Cake featured as September's Dessert of the Month travels well in a bake-and-take pan. If you're really in a pinch for time, try Betty Crocker Pour & Frost, which can be used to frost a warm-from-the-oven cake.

    1 box Betty Crocker SuperMoist white cake mix
    Water, vegetable oil and eggs called for in cake mix directions for Whole-Egg Recipe
    1 cup mashed bananas (2 medium)
    3/4 cup Hershey's miniature semi-sweet chocolate chips
    1 container (15 ounces) Betty Crocker Pour & Frost chocolate frosting
    Banana slices, whipped topping, candy sprinkles and cherries, if desired

    1. Heat oven to 350°F. Grease or spray bottom only of 13 x 9-inch rectangular pan.

    2. In large bowl, beat cake mix, water, oil, eggs and mashed bananas on low speed 30 seconds; beat on medium speed 2 minutes, scraping bowl occasionally. Stir in chocolate chips. Pour into pan.

    3. Bake 38 to 40 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool 15 minutes. Microwave frosting uncovered on High 20 seconds. Stir thoroughly or until smooth. Pour over warm cake; spread evenly. If desired, serve each piece with banana slices, whipped topping, candy sprinkles and a cherry.

    Torolt_felhasznalo_603598 (0)
  17. Torolt_felhasznalo_861900
    2007. augusztus 31. 13:4510.
    Key West Cupcakes

    A recipe for Key West Cupcakes

    Prep Time: 25 minutes | Start to Finish: 1 hour 30 minutes
    1 box (4-serving size) instant vanilla pudding and pie filling mix
    1 1/2 cups whipping cream
    1/4 cup fresh Key lime or lime juice
    4 drops green food color
    1 1/2 cups powdered sugar
    1 box Betty Crocker SuperMoist yellow cake mix Water, vegetable oil and eggs called for on cake mix box
    1 container (12-ounce) Betty Crocker Whipped fluffy white frosting
    1 tablespoon fresh Key lime or lime juice
    1/2 teaspoon grated Key lime or lime peel
    Lime wedges (optional)

    1. In large bowl, beat pudding mix and whipping cream with wire whisk 2 minutes. Let stand 3 minutes. Beat in 1/4 cup lime juice and the food color; stir in powdered sugar until smooth. Cover and refrigerate.

    2. Heat oven to 350°F. Make and cool cake mix as directed on box for cupcakes.

    3. Spread 1 rounded tablespoonful filling on top of each cupcake. Stir frosting in container 20 times. Gently stir in 1 tablespoon lime juice and the peel. Spoon frosting into 1-quart resealable plastic food-storage bag. Cut 1/2-inch opening across lower corner of bag. Squeeze 1 tablespoon frosting from bag onto filling. Garnish with fresh lime wedge, if desired. Store in refrigerator.

    Torolt_felhasznalo_603598 (0)
  18. Torolt_felhasznalo_861900
    2007. augusztus 31. 13:449.
    Black Forest Cheesecake

    A recipe for Black Forest Cheesecake

    18 whole Honey Maid Honey Grahams, finely crushed
    1 cup plus 3 tablespoons sugar, divided
    1/2 cup (1 stick) butter or margarine, melted
    1 can (21 ounces) cherry pie filling
    5 packages (8 ounces each) Philadelphia Cream Cheese, softened
    3 tablespoons flour
    1 tablespoon vanilla
    1 package (8 squares) semi-sweet baking chocolate, melted, slightly cooled
    1 cup sour cream
    3 eggs
    1 cup thawed prepared whipped topping

    Prep: 15 minutes plus refrigerating | Bake: 1 hour

    PREHEAT oven to 325°F. Line 13 x 9-inch baking pan with foil, with ends of foil extending over sides of pan. Mix graham crumbs, 3 tablespoons sugar and butter; press firmly onto bottom of pan. Bake 10 minutes.

    MEANWHILE, reserve 3/4 cup of the cherry pie filling; set aside. Beat cream cheese, remaining 1 cup sugar, flour and vanilla with electric mixer on medium speed until well blended. Add melted chocolate and sour cream; mix well. Add eggs, 1 at a time, mixing on low speed after each addition just until blended. Pour half of the cream cheese batter over crust; top with the remaining cherry pie filling. Cover with remaining cream cheese batter.

    BAKE 45 to 50 minutes or until center is almost set. Cool completely on wire rack. Refrigerate 4 hours or overnight. Top with the reserved pie filling and the whipped topping just before serving. Remove cheesecake from pan using foil handles. Cut into 16 pieces to serve.

    no information available

    Makes 16 servings.

    no information available

    Source Cherry Marketing Institute
    Honey Maid Grahams
    Philadelphia Brand Cream Cheese

    Torolt_felhasznalo_603598 (0)
  19. Torolt_felhasznalo_861900
    2007. augusztus 31. 13:438.
    Butterscotch Cheesecake

    A recipe for Butterscotch Cheesecake

    1/3 cup butter or margarine, melted
    1 1/2 cups graham cracker crumbs
    1/3 cup firmly packed brown sugar
    1 (14-ounce) can Eagle Brand Sweetened Condensed Milk (NOT evaporated milk)
    3/4 cup cold water
    1 (3 5/8-ounce) package butterscotch pudding/pie filling mix
    3 (8-ounce) packages cream cheese, softened
    3 eggs
    1 teaspoon vanilla extract
    Whipped cream
    Crushed hard butterscotch candy

    Prep Time: 15 minutes | Baking Time: 50 minutes

    1. Preheat oven to 375°F. Combine butter, graham cracker crumbs and sugar; press firmly on bottom of 9-inch springform pan.

    2. In medium saucepan, combine sweetened condensed milk and water; mix well. Stir in pudding mix. Over medium heat, cook and stir until thickened and bubbly.

    3. In large bowl, beat cream cheese until fluffy. Beat in eggs and vanilla, then pudding mixture. Pour into prepared pan. Bake 50 minutes or until golden brown around edge (center will be soft).

    4. Cool to room temperature. Chill. Garnish with whipped cream and crushed candy. Store leftovers covered in refrigerator.

    Torolt_felhasznalo_603598 (0)
  20. Torolt_felhasznalo_861900
    2007. augusztus 31. 13:427.
    Swirled Cheesecake Nibbles

    A recipe for Swirled Cheesecake Nibbles

    36 vanilla wafers
    1 2/3 cups (10-ounce package) Nestlé
    Toll House Swirled Real Semi-Sweet & White Chocolate Morsels, divided
    2 packages (8 ounces each) cream cheese, softened
    1/2 cup granulated sugar
    2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
    2 large eggs
    1 teaspoon vanilla extract

    PREHEAT oven to 350°F. Place 36 2-inch foil bake cups on baking sheet(s) with sides. Place one vanilla wafer, flat-side down, on bottom of each cup. Place 5 to 6 morsels on top of each wafer.

    BEAT cream cheese, sugar and flour in large mixer bowl until creamy. Add eggs and vanilla extract; beat well. Spoon 1 heaping tablespoonful cream cheese mixture into each bake cup.

    BAKE 15 to 17 minutes or until just set and not browned. Remove from oven to wire rack. While still warm, top cheesecakes with remaining morsels. Morsels will soften but will retain shape. Cool completely. Cover and refrigerate.

    Torolt_felhasznalo_603598 (0)
  21. Torolt_felhasznalo_861900
    2007. augusztus 31. 13:416.
    White Chocolate Cherry Cheesecake

    A recipe for White Chocolate Cherry Cheesecake

    9 whole Honey Maid Honey Grahams, crushed (about 1-1/2 cups crumbs)
    1/2 cup pecan halves, toasted, finely chopped
    1/4 cup sugar
    1/4 cup (1/2 stick) butter or margarine, melted
    1 package (6 ounces) white baking chocolate, divided
    3 packages (8 ounces each) Philadelphia Cream Cheese, softened
    1 can (14 ounces) sweetened condensed milk
    2 teaspoons vanilla, divided
    4 eggs
    1 can (21 ounces) cherry pie filling

    Prep: 30 minutes plus refrigerating | Bake: 1 hour

    PREHEAT oven to 300°F if using a silver 9-inch springform pan (or to 275°F if using a dark nonstick 9-inch springform pan). Mix graham crumbs, pecans, sugar and butter until well blended. Press firmly onto bottom of pan. Melt 5 of the chocolate squares as directed on package.

    BEAT cream cheese in large bowl with electric mixer on medium speed until creamy. Gradually add sweetened condensed milk, beating until well blended. Add melted chocolate and 1 teaspoon of the vanilla; mix well. Add eggs, 1 at a time, mixing on low speed after each addition just until blended. Pour over crust.

    BAKE 1 hour or until center is almost set. Run knife or metal spatula around rim of pan to loosen cake; cool before removing rim. Refrigerate 4 hours or overnight.

    MIX pie filling and remaining 1 teaspoon vanilla; spoon over cheesecake. Melt remaining chocolate square as directed on package; drizzle over cherries. Let stand until firm. Cut into 16 slices to serve.


    Torolt_felhasznalo_603598 (0)
  22. Torolt_felhasznalo_861900
    2007. augusztus 31. 13:405.
    Strawberry and Peanut Butter Cream Cake Roll

    A recipe for Strawberry and Peanut Butter Cream Cake Roll

    Crisco® Original No-Stick Cooking Spray
    1/4 cup confectioners' sugar
    1 cup Pillsbury® BEST All Purpose Flour
    1 teaspoon baking powder
    1/4 teaspoon salt
    4 large eggs
    1 cup granulated sugar
    1/4 cup water
    1 teaspoon vanilla extract
    1 8-ounce package cream cheese, softened
    1 cup confectioners' sugar
    1/3 cup Jif® Extra Crunchy Peanut Butter
    1/2 teaspoon almond extract
    1 cup Smucker's® Low-Sugar(tm) Strawberry Fruit Spread, divided
    Confectioners' sugar

    For cake, preheat oven to 375°F. Sift confectioners' sugar generously over a 12- by 17-inch area of a clean thin kitchen towel. Spray a 15- by 10- by 1-inch jelly roll pan with no-stick spray. Line pan with waxed paper and spray paper. Sift together flour, baking powder and salt; set aside.

    Place eggs in mixer bowl; turn to medium-high speed and beat eggs with wire whisk until light and lemon colored. Reduce speed to low. Gradually add sugar, water, vanilla extract and sifted flour mixture; stop and scrape bowl. Turn to medium speed and beat 1 minute more. Pour batter into prepared pan. Bake for 9 to 11 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Immediately loosen the cake around the edges and invert cake onto the prepared towel. Carefully remove waxed paper. Roll the cake beginning at the narrow end. Cool on a wire rack 30 to 40 minutes.

    For filling, combine cream cheese, confectioners' sugar, peanut butter and almond extract in mixer bowl. Turn to low speed, mixing until powdered sugar is incorporated. Turn to medium-low speed and beat until smooth. Unroll cake; spread peanut butter cream evenly to edges of the cake. Reserve 2 tablespoons fruit spread in a resealable plastic bag for garnish; spread remaining fruit spread over peanut butter cream. Re-roll cake; wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate several hours before serving. Right before serving, microwave reserved fruit spread on high for 10 seconds; sprinkle cake with confectioners' sugar and drizzle with fruit spread.

    Torolt_felhasznalo_603598 (0)
  23. Torolt_felhasznalo_861900
    2007. augusztus 31. 13:384.
    Cranberry Cravings Cake

    A recipe for Cranberry Cravings Cake

    1/2 cup cream cheese, softened
    1/4 cup whole berry cranberry sauce
    1/2 cup frozen non-dairy whipped topping, thawed
    2 tubs Duncan Hines Creamy Home-Style Cream Cheese Frosting
    1 package Duncan Hines Moist Deluxe Classic Yellow Cake Mix
    1 cup cranberry juice
    1/3 cup frozen orange juice concentrate, thawed
    1/3 cup Crisco Pure Vegetable Oil
    3 large eggs
    1 teaspoon red food coloring
    Crisco Cooking Spray

    Hands-On Time: 20 minutes Total Time: 1 1/2 hours

    1. In medium size bowl, blend together cream cheese and cranberry sauce. Gently fold whipped topping into cream cheese mixture. Chill until ready to assemble cake.

    2. Preheat oven to 350°F. Grease sides and bottom of three 8- inch baking pans with nonstick cooking spray. Flour lightly.

    3. Blend dry mix, cranberry juice, orange juice concentrate, vegetable oil, eggs and food coloring in large bowl at low speed until moistened (about 30 seconds). Beat at medium speed for 2 minutes. Pour one-third of batter in each pan. Bake immediately.

    4. Bake 20 to 23 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool in pan on wire rack for 15 minutes. Cool completely before assembling.

    5. Place one layer on serving platter. Spread with half cream cheese mixture. Top with second layer and remaining cream cheese mixture. Top with remaining layer. Frost top and sides of cake with frosting. Garnish with fresh cranberries, orange twists and orange zest curls, if desired. Refrigerate cake until ready to serve.

    no information available

    Makes 12 servings

    no information available

    Source Crisco®
    Duncan Hines® Cake Mixes

    Torolt_felhasznalo_603598 (0)
  24. Torolt_felhasznalo_861900
    2007. augusztus 31. 13:373.
    Caramel Swirled Cheesecake

    A recipe for Caramel Swirled Cheesecake

    1 (8-ounce) package of cream cheese, softened
    1/3 cup sugar
    1 tub (4 cups) whipped topping, thawed and divided
    1/2 cup Smucker's Caramel Microwave Topping or Smucker's Butterscotch Topping, divided
    1 (9-inch) prepared graham cracker crust

    Beat cream cheese and sugar in large bowl with mixer until smooth. Gently stir in 3 cups whipped topping (reserve 1 cup for garnishing). Add 1/4 cup caramel or butterscotch topping into mixture and mix thoroughly. Spoon mixture evenly onto crust.

    With knife, make 3 deep S-shaped channels in batter and fill each with remaining topping. With knife, draw 2 more channels in opposite direction to swirl batter and create marble effect. Spread remaining whipped topping evenly over top of batter.

    Decorate with remaining caramel or butterscotch topping. Refrigerate until set.

    no information available

    Makes 8 servings

    no information available

    Source Smucker's

    Torolt_felhasznalo_603598 (0)
  25. Torolt_felhasznalo_861900
    2007. augusztus 31. 13:352.
    Strawberry and Cream Cupcakes

    A recipe for Strawberry and Cream Cupcakes

    1 box Betty Crocker SuperMoist white cake mix
    1 1/4 cups strawberry-flavored soda pop
    1/3 cup vegetable oil
    3 egg whites
    1 container (1-pound) Betty Crocker Rich & Creamy cream cheese frosting
    1 to 3 drops red food color
    1/2 cup white jimmies sprinkles

    Prep Time: 30 minutes | Start to Finish: 45 minutes

    1. Heat oven to 350°F. Place paper baking cups in 24 regular-size muffin cups. In large bowl, beat cake mix, soda pop, oil and egg whites on low speed 30 seconds. Beat 2 minutes on medium speed, scraping bowl occasionally. Fill each cup 2/3 full of batter. Bake 15 to 20 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Remove from pan to wire rack. Cool completely, about 20 minutes.

    2. Stir frosting in container 20 times. Stir in 1 to 2 drops red food color. Frost cupcakes.

    3. Place sprinkles and 1 drop red food color in small resealable plastic food-storage bag; seal bag. Gently shake and massage sprinkles until mixture is various shades of pink; sprinkle around edges of frosted cupcakes.

    no information available

    24 cupcakes

    no information available

    Source Betty Crocker Cake Mixes

    Torolt_felhasznalo_603598 (0)

