
Vigyázz! Az egészséges ételekből is megárt a sok

Sokszor az egészséges ételek is tele vannak kalóriával, így nem mindegy, mennyit fogyasztunk belőlük.

Ha csak a különböző dió- és mogyorófélékre gondolunk, azt tapasztalhatjuk, hogy azokban is van kalória bőven. A klinikai és sporttáplálkozó Leanne Ward arra törekszik, hogy megtanítsa minden követőjének a különböző táplálékkiegészítők és az egészséges ételek helyes porcióit. 

🙌🏼Double tap if you’re hearing me!!! 🙌🏼 Being the Easter long weekend so many of my clients today have started asking me about crazy diets they can do next week to shed the Easter weight gain 🤦🏼‍♀️ I’m just here to remind you guys that healthy = balanced eating consistently over time!! 🙋🏻‍♀️ Healthy means still being able to enjoy your favourite foods and not punishing yourself with exercise. Being healthy means you can enjoy occasional treats but you also shouldn’t give up the majority of the good habits you’ve been working on! ☺️ You can still see results without restricting everything in your diet or spending a ton of money on expensive supplements or fad diets ✖️ Remember: One take away meal won’t blow your healthy eating plan BUT eating one salad a week won’t make you healthy. The key to a healthy lifestyle is consistency!!! 🙌🏼 The 80/20 approach has always been my favourite - wholesome meals always loaded with salads & veggies the majority of the time with a little chocolate, take away or wine occasionally too 🥂🍦 If you want more healthy eating tips, see the link in my bio for my blog post about surviving Easter 👉🏼 Tag a friend below who needs to hear this below👇🏼 #easter #longweekend #healthyapproach #balancedeating #moderation #weightlosstips #healthyhacks #motivation #weightloss

Leanne Ward 🌻Here To Inspire (@the_fitness_dietitian) által megosztott bejegyzés,

Sokan alábecsülik azt a kalóriamennyiséget, melyet az egészséges életmód és táplálkozás címszóval magunkba pakolunk, ami aztán megakadályozza, hogy némelyikünk elérje súlycsökkenési céljait.

Tudtad például, hogy míg egy Twix csokoládé 275 kalóriát, addig egy tál mandula 415 kalóriát tartalmaz? Bizony! És akkor még nem is beszéltünk a nagyobb méretű mandulákról…

Double tap if you usually do "generous" helpings of almonds straight from the bag 🙊 Seriously but... almonds eaten from the jar don’t count right!?? 💁🏻‍♀️🙄This picture is to demonstrate why I think it's important to understand portions & serving sizes 👌🏼 So many of my clients can't understand why they can't meet their weight loss goals despite #cleaneating or eating #healthyfood but this picture demonstrates that even healthy foods can be over eaten 🤷🏼‍♀️ . . Im not by any means saying that a chocolate is healthier than nuts or to go out & buy a chocolate bar over almonds - I’m simply demonstrating a common mistake a lot of my clients make 😜 You can still overeat healthy foods - let me say this again... you can still overeat healthy foods!!! A cup of almonds, 4 bananas or a few home made bliss balls will still make you gain weight if eaten in excess of your bodies daily requirements ‼️ If you're trying to lose weight, I recommend weighing or measuring your portions for a day or two to see how much you may 'overestimate' your portions without even realising 🙊 . . Remember: things like nuts, nut butter, seeds, avocado & salmon are very healthy foods but also quite energy dense ie: high in (good) calories. If weight loss is your goal, watch your portions of energy dense foods 👌🏼 Of course include them regularly in your diet don’t just eat them mindlessly - recognise what a portion size is & stick to that 😜 You can still enjoy all your favourite things as part of a healthy lifestyle but understanding quantities & portion sizes can help you achieve your goals 💜 Tag a friend below you think this would help 👇🏼👇🏼 #healthyeatingtips #calories #portionsize #weightloss #eatright #weightlosstips #healthyfood #thefitnessdietitian

Leanne Ward 🌻Here To Inspire (@the_fitness_dietitian) által megosztott bejegyzés,

Nyilvánvaló, hogy a mandula sokkal táplálóbb, mint a csoki és bármilyen édesség, különösen, ha vegán vagy, mert akkor gondoskodnod kell arról, hogy jó zsírokat vigyél be a szervezetedbe. Szóval mielőtt ész nélkül belevetnéd magad az egészséges tápanyagok világába, kicsit méricskélj, és minden rendben lesz.



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