Az nlc. fórumon 20 éves fennállása óta közel 300 ezer témában indult csevegés, és több mint 1 millió hozzászólás született. A Facebook megjelenése és térhódítása miatt azonban azt tapasztaltuk, hogy a beszélgetések nagyrésze áttevődött a közösségi médiába, ezért úgy döntöttünk, a fórumot hibernáljuk, ezentúl csak olvasása lehetséges. Új hozzászólást és témát nem tudtok indítani, azonban a régi beszélgetéseket továbbra is megtaláljátok.


Létrehozva: 2017. június 17. 22:32


  1. 2018. január 26. 13:4968.

    ez üveg , vagy zart ?

  2. 2017. október 24. 22:4567.

    Jeff Flake-nak is elege van /republikanus senator/ .... kb azt mondja, hogy "vétkesek közt cinkos aki néma" s Trump orrara csapja az ajtot...
    Bizony : gyerekeinek , unokainak jovojere gondol... a most torteno alantasan szennyes es antidemokratikus dolgokat nem tudna nekik megmagyarazni
    Bravo MONSIEUR Flake, bravo  McConnell , bravo McCain : szep beszed , igaz beszed
    "We must never adjust to the coarseness of our dialogue with the tone set up at the top,” Flake said. “We must never regard as normal the regular and casual undermining of our democratic norms and ideals. We must never meekly accept the daily sundering of our country, the personal attacks, the threats against principles, freedoms and institution, the flagrant disregard for truth and decency, the reckless provocations — most often for the pettiest and most personal reasons, reasons having nothing to whatsoever to do with the fortunes of the people that we have been elected to serve."Flake faced a tough primary challenge in 2018 from a pro-Trump candidate Kelli Ward, who is backed by a group with close ties to former White House strategist Stephen Bannon. Polls showed he faced an uphill climb to reelection.McCain followed McConnell on the Senate floor to praise his home-state colleague, a first-term senator.“I have seen Jeff Flake stand up for what he believes in knowing full well that there would be a political price to pay,” McCain said. “I have seen him stand up for his family. I've seen him stand up for his forbearers.”“We look all of us at some point in our time that we have spent here, whether it be short or whether it be long, we look back and we think about what we could have done, what we should have done, what we might have done and the mistakes we made and the things we're proud of,” McCain continued. “Well, when the Flake service to this country is reviewed, it will be one of honor, of brilliance and patriotism and love of country, and I thank you, and God bless you and your family.”

    Torolt_felhasznalo_176902 (66)
    2017-10-24  22:32
  3. 2017. október 24. 22:3266.

    Jeff Flake: Republican senator quits with attack on Trump - BBC News
    - Arizona Senator Jeff Flake denounces "outrageous" behaviour saying he will not seek re-election.

    Jeff Flake becomes latest Republican critic of Trump to quit Senate ... › US News ›
    - Jeff Flake of Arizona joins a list of high-profile Republicans who have jumped ship in recent months amid the turmoil of Trump's presidency. Bob Corker, the ...

    Trump critic Jeff Flake rebukes president as he says he will not seek re ... › News › World › Americas › US politics
     - Republican Senator Jeff Flake – a frequent target of Donald Trump's attacks – announced he will not seek re-election in 2018 as he delivered a strong rebuke to ...

    Arizona GOP Sen. Jeff Flake Won't Seek Re-election, Appalled by Trump jeff-flake-wo...
    - Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., stunned Washington Tuesday by announcing he will not run for re-election next year, expressing dismay with President Donald Trump and ...

    Jeff Flake's kamikaze mission against Trump just ended - CNNPolitics mp.../index.html
    - Jeff Flake announced Tuesday that he won't run for a second term in the Senate. But he made the decision about his political career months ago -- when he ...

    Sen. Jeff Flake will retire, citing direction of GOP under Trump - The ... ../f33acdfc-b...
    - Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) will retire from the Senate at the end of his term, saying he was out of step with his party in the era of President Trump. The senator's ...

    Jeff Flake, a Fierce Trump Critic, Will Not Seek Re-election for Senate ... rizona.html - WASHINGTON — Senator Jeff Flake, the Arizona Republican who tangled with President Trump and was considered one of the most vulnerable senators in his ...

    Jeff Flake Just Delivered the Most Impassioned Rebuke of Donald ... ost-impas...
     - In an impassioned speech announcing his decision not to seek re-election, Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) on Monday forcefully denounced President Donald Trump's ...

    Jeff Flake tears into Trump in Senate retirement speech. enate_retireme...
     - Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake, who made the politically unwise but morally sound decision to write a book challenging his party's president earlier this year ...

    Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake, denounces Trump, announces he will not ... tes-arizon...
    - Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake said Tuesday that he will not seek reelection in 2018, declaring he needs political independence to criticize President Trump.

  4. 2017. október 22. 11:0665.

    Most epp nincs tobb idom majd adok linkeket is az itt osszeirt mai szennyeshez...
    Nagyon fontos dolog van folyamatban : epp haborut inditott Trump az Ot leejto es bekopo/lekopo  republikanus partjanak...
    Koztudott , -de agymosottéknal kotelezo , s olvasasra engedelyezett Roka-hirek /foksznyuuuz/ elfelejtettek mondani. ?
    Az fog kisulni , mert mas ujsagok, akiknek ki lehet nyitni a szajukat , mar megirtak , hogy "valakinek" -a republikanus föpolitikusok kozul- , az apukaja bele volt keverve Kennedy gyilkossagaba.
    Ezzel fog szorakozni Trump : "en rohadt vagyok es bunozo es oroszsegnyalo hazaarulo" , de Ti meg megolettétek a Kennedyt.

    Es milyen igaza van : csontot dobott a bazisanak. Ilyen elévult cuccokkal kell elforditani a mai hirektol, a mai szennyestol , aminek Trump a fohose , az amerika extremjobb koto-klubbos venasszonyt  es a pisztolyaval fenyegetodzo , olommergezett hallal jotekonykodo extremjobb venembereket...egyszerubben mondva: a rasszista felsorendu buszkefeher  szavazo bazisat. Azt a maradek 15 szazalekot...

    Mai szennyes még az , hogy szombaton, -haromnegyed ev uralkodas alatt 74. alkalommal-  is elhuzott a hatalmas potrohu es hasu Trump golfozni ...
    Emlekszem, hogy azzal hergelte a valasztokat, hogy neki nem lesz ideje elnok-koraban golfozni,O ki sem fog latszani a munkabol, nem mint Obama teszi...
    Obama 8 ev alatt 333-szor golfozot... az negy ev alatt 166... stb stb szamoljatok tovabb
    De jol van , menjen , ha nincs fontosabb dolga.
    Szombaton 5 regi elnok koncerten vett reszt : a hurrikankarosultaknak gyujtottek ossze 31 millio dollart...
    Azert a golf sokkal fontosabb...ugye ?
    A karosultak ugyis csak a tanyert tartjak, mint itt olvastam...

    Meg volt mas dolog is : szombaton temettek a negy Nigeriaban lemeszarolt katonat...
    Persze a golf az fontosabb.
    S azt is meg kellene magyarazni , hogy mi is van Nigeriaban?
    Hogy Kennedy titok , az OK , ugy nez ki republikanus van belekeverve : kotelezo volt a titoktartas...
    De miert titok az , ami Nigeriaban tortent ?
    Jatszik-e benne az , hogy oroszokkal kotott katonai egyuttmukodest honapokkal ezelott Nigeria?
    Egyuttmukodtette az orosz katonakkal az amerikaiakat a bratyizo Usa elnok ?
    Osztan miert a franciaknak kellett kimenteni a halottakat/sebesulteket ?
    A Roka-hirek meselt-e arrol , hogy ott, Nigeria fele milyen Obama-rendeletet semmisitett meg a feltekeny szenilis oregember ? 
    Roka-hirek meselte-e mi az osszefugges DeVos , a berkatonak  es Nigeria kozott ?

    Miert olyan buta Ivanka , a Trump leanyzoja , hogy aszongya nyilvanosan , hogy a Papa telefonhivasat olvastam es nincs is benne semmi serto , ami miatt terhes ozvegy sirvafakadhat...Nem hallotta a Roka-hirekben nehany nappal elotte : a szovivo letagadta hivatalosan, nyilvanosan, hogy nyoma lenne a telefonhivasnak...
    Remelem, hogy a kaoszbrigad buntetteinek  es az ossze-vissza hazudozasnak a vege megerdemelt buntetes lesz.

  5. 2017. október 17. 15:1264.

    *********Masolat mai gondolataimbol....**********
    Elozmeny : vetelkedot rendez egy amerikai-magyar extremjobb migrans frakcio , talalnak-e olyan cuccot a Vilagon, ami feler uj elnokuk viseltes dolgaival....





    2017. október 17. 08:1912641.




    A kommunizmus , Merkel , az olaszok , a franciak....
    Es Amerika ?
    Tessek : nagydij    2014-es , de ma is megnyerné ez a komikus topik./***ez****/.

    Amikor az erdot eltakaro fa mogotti , szarnyat veregeto baromfikotyogastol hangos,  tyukolbol kinezunk , latjuk az erdot a fa mogott .
    Latjuk, hogy mi ujsag ma Amerikaban.
    Az egesz Vilag hangos attol, hogy volt egyszer egy nagyon nagy , legeslegdemokratikusabb orszag...
    Lettek valasztasok ebben a hatalmas "demokraciaban" : egy puncibamarkolo ripacs , Tvrealitas vezeto , kb 4000* beperelt  milliarderes , vetelkedett egy hivatasos politikussal.
    A puncibamarkolo milliarderes osszeszurte a levet az oroszokkal es fondorlatos modon manipulaltak a valasztasokat.
    Na nem teljesen , mert a nepi szavazast a hivatasos politikus nyerte meg ...
    Egy ev eltelt : a ripacs meg mindig csak a szajkaratenal tart: valasztasi igéretei igéret szinten maradtak s gyulnek a bizonyitekok , az adatok , az egybeterelt fekete baranyok s hatalmas per es impeachment tornyosodik a lathataron...
    Ez az ami ma Amerikaban tortenik : s sajnos minden napra jut botrany es kisult visszaélés...

    Donald Trump finally admits he’s accomplished nothing, offers bizarre explanation
    Donald Trump forced to quickly walk back bizarrely offensive false attack on President Obama
    Guess who just provided a financial bailout to the Harvey Weinstein company?

    Az a mai hir , amikor a sajat partja is kiveti azt az elnokot, aki ket het alatt haromszor szakitott idot golfra , a zaszlo es a himnusz gyalazasarol papol, de nem nyilvanitott reszvetet a nigeriaban elhunyt negy amerikai katona csaladjanak...
    John McCain rips into “half baked” and “unpatriotic” Donald Trump

  6. 2017. október 16. 23:5163.



    2017. október 16. 18:3212620.

    Francia ország nagyon büszke lehet hogy a Becsűlet Rendel tüntette ki Weinsteint.

    Karorvendezes ? "....He he he, a franciakat atrazta az egyik "mocskos miénk" ?...."
    Megis ki a pofankopendo itt ?
    Ki razott at kit ?
    Igy fog kisulni a sok disznosag az illegalis  elnokkel kapcsolatban is .
    S akkor mit fog mondani a magyar migrancs ? "....He , he , he , Trump jol atrazott mindenkit..." ????

    Magyar szarmazasu extremjobboldali nezeteket vallo , befogadott csoro emigrans , veri az oromtol a feneket a foldbe.
    Megis mire buszke ? Hogy becstelen emberek buntetlenul eroszakolhatnak noket az Egyesult Allamokban ? Azt tudja-e a pisztolyaval "szemeteket" fenyegeto nyugdijas  vénember , hogy puncibamarkolo nagyobb hal is epp horograakadt ?

    2012-ben kapott elismeres kisult becstelenseg miatt vissza lesz vonva...

    Azt tudja a magyar migrancs , hogy ki a Tom Barrack ?
    Trump baratja , puszipajtasa . Guba gubahoz, suba subahoz , eroszakolo eroszakolohoz....
    O rendezte a beiktatasi unnepseget... es O harsogta, anno ,  hogy feltoltottek penzzel ennek  a , meg Angelina Jolie-t is megdugo , embernek az eppen valsagba jutott uzletet ...

    Crippled Weinstein Co. may find buyer in Trump associate Tom Barrack


  7. 2017. október 16. 22:5462.

    Tanulj , ven marha , hogyan kellene csinalnod , de tul magasan repul az a madar , akire feltekeny vagy... 
    Kuplerajtarto vagyonalapito nagyapad erkolcsi oroksegebol ilyen cuccra nem jutott ... Kimerul a tudasod es orokseged a buntetlen puncibamarkolassal...

    Obama called and wrote letters to families of fallen soldiers on multiple occasions, and visited them as well, according to numerous news reports at the time.

    In 2009, Obama called the family of Sgt. 1st Class Jared C. Monti, who was killed in June 2006 in Afghanistan helping fellow soldiers. That same year, he consoled the grieving mother of a Marine killed by a roadside bomb in Afghanistan.

    During the end of his first year as president, Obama also walked through and hugged visitors at Section 60 of Arlington National Cemetery, where fallen soldiers from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are buried.

    The former president has publicly described the heart-wrenching task of writing letters to the families.

    "As commander-in-chief, I have no greater responsibility than leading our men and women in uniform; I have no more solemn obligation sending them into harm's way. I think about this every time I approve an operation as president," he said in a May 2016 ceremony at Arlington.

    "Every time, as a husband and father, that I sign a condolence letter. Every time Michelle and I sit at the bedside of a wounded warrior or grieve and hug members of a Gold Star Family."

    Torolt_felhasznalo_176902 (61)
    2017-10-16  22:45
  8. 2017. október 16. 22:4561.

    ????? Ez a ven tolvaj allandoan hazudik ?
    Szegeny , szegeny Amerika....
    Meg mindig nem beszelt a Nigeriaban elhunyt negy amerikai katona csaladjaval.... s hözöng : Obama sem ..... aztan visszakozik , mert felvilagositjak, hogy megint beszopott es hirdet egy faknyuzt....

  9. 2017. október 16. 08:1560.

    Ujabb szex-per , ujabb felszolitas/assignation... s most a kiscsajok hallani sem akarnak "megegyezesrol" = trumpbanda koteles kiadni a megvadolt a szennyeit tartalmazo tape-eket=kazettakat/felveteleket.. Nyilvanos lesz a szenny...
    Szegeny Amerika : ez a peldakep?
    Ez az ember az amerikai ertekek/jogok  ŐRE ?

    Donald Trump has been served a subpoena to turn over his obscene Apprentice tapes


  10. 2017. október 16. 08:0359.

    Jajj de buta vagyok : persze hogy nem volt/lehetett ilyen kiadas.
    Az elozo elnokok   nem hazaarultak es hamisitottak valasztasokat az oroszokkal...

    Jo vicc traktorra kenni , hogy miert nem lezengett majdnem senki -kezzel a penztarcan-  Pence alelnok penzbegyujto , valasztast tamogato megszervezett osszeroffenésén

    Trump meccse a  Traktorok ellen  = 0 : 1

    Mike Pence’s disastrous campaign rally couldn’t compete with a local tractor pull
    Torolt_felhasznalo_176902 (58)
    2017-10-16  07:52
  11. 2017. október 16. 07:5258.

    Mai amerikai szennyes : harom honap alatt tobb mint egy millio dollar ment el UGYVEDRE ??????????
    Milyen kasszabol ?
    Ennyi mosnivalo szennyes ? Miert nem Trump fizeti ? Meg a gyerekek bugyija is ott van a rakasban....
    Volt ilyen hatalmas kiadas az elozo elnokoknek ?

    Trump Reelection Campaign Raised $10 Million in Third Quarter, Spent $1.1 Million on Legal Fees

    President Donald Trump's reelection campaign raised more than $10.1 million in the third quarter of 2017 and spent $4 million, including $1.1 million on legal fees.


  12. 2017. október 16. 07:3957.

    Kihozta Trump az allatot a magyar gazdasagi menekult/emigrans bandabol.....

    Nem hiszem, hogy amerikai ertekeket vedenek viselkedesukkel : nevjegyuk marad

  13. 2017. október 5. 08:4356.

    Baaaaaaaaaaaa !
    Elfelejtettem, hogy volt egy ilyenem is

    Nahat , nahat.... itt sincs tobb uj hir, mint a houstoni , alternativ igazsagot hirdeto , Eszak-Amerikai üvegtopikban

  14. 2017. július 7. 22:2252.

    “Wow, Trump really is a Russian puppet.”


    Thanks, Donald Trump, for proving us right today about your Russia scandal
  15. 2017. július 7. 22:1851.

    In a seven-part tweet, John Podesta told off Trump thusly: “On a x-country road trip with my wife; Pulled in for a pit stop in E. Fairmont W. Va. to see that our whack job POTUS @realDonaldTrump is tweeting about me at the G20. Get a grip man, the Russians committed a crime when they stole my emails to help get you elected President. Maybe you might try to find a way to mention that to President Putin. BTW, I had nothing to do with the DNC. God only knows what you’ll be raving about on twitter by the time we get to Utah. Dude, get your head in the game. You’re representing the US at the G20.” (link).

    Podesta is a seasoned level headed political veteran. When even he’s ripping into Donald Trump by calling him things like “dude” and “whack job” it points to just how frustrated the entire nation is with the mentally broken puppet buffoon who’s currently disgracing the United States.

    John Podesta tells off “whack job” Donald Trump over his embarrassing G20 behavior
    July 7, 2017

  16. 2017. július 5. 07:5450.


    Torolt_felhasznalo_176902 (49)
    2017-07-05  07:53
  17. 2017. július 4. 22:1448.

    Hogyan gyalazzuk a nemzeti unnepet ? Szemetbe a himnusszal!

    Narcissistic Donald Trump desecrates Fourth of July with campaign song in place of National Anthem


    The video posted by Trump was actually a chorus decked out patriotically, but singing a “Make America Great Again” song. That was his signature propaganda slogan during the election – and it was thinly veiled code for promoting racist and xenophobic policies that are unpatriotically incompatible with the true ideals that America has always stood for. This garbage tweet was clearly aimed at enabling Trump’s own small and shrinking base, while insulting the vast majority of Americans who are not his base.

    And so this least patriotic, least liked, least decent, least sane, and certainly least presidential individual to ever occupy the office of President of the United States has now even found a way to desecrate the Fourth of July. Moreover, by posting a song dedicated to himself instead of one dedicated to the nation, Trump has once again reminded Americans that he’s a narcissistic sociopath with dictator tendencies. If you want nightmare fuel that you’ll never be able to un-hear, you can listen to Trump’s song here (link):

    There is something deeply, profoundly, and clinically broken about the man who currently (and illegitimately) occupies the Oval Office. His tweet today ruined the mood of the Fourth of July for any decent Americans who had the misfortune to get tricked into listening to the above narcissistic, despotic, hateful anti-American propaganda song. This tweet might be even more disturbing than the clinically insane tweets he’s posted over the past five days. Invoking the 25th Amendment is now more urgently needed than ever, if America wants to make it to the next Fourth of July intact.

  18. 2017. július 2. 07:5746.

    sajna most csak erre futott

    Torolt_felhasznalo_176902 (45)
    2017-07-02  07:56
  19. 2017. július 2. 07:5645.

    Peter Smith’s obituary Bizonyitek arra, hogy hiaba tagadjak a republikanusok az elhalalozott szavait,  van kapcsolat kozte es az altala emlitett , Clinton levelezését ellopo , vétkesek kozott  ....
    Le a kalappal az ujsagirok elott.
    Ulnek es potyogtetnek a Neten es MINDENT megneznek/elolvasnak/ertelmeznek...
    Ki a fene gondolt volna arra , hogy , -/a ??? vajon mi miatt hirtelenjeben szajkinyitas utan  elhalalozott/-  Peter W. Smith nekrologiajat elolvassa ?

    Russia collusion figure Peter Smith’s obituary reveals how he was connected to Donald Trump campaign

    Reggelente varom bedugni a Netre az orromat : ez a szegyenletes megcsufolasa az emberi jogoknak a legizgalmasabb politikai krimi a vilagon , amit itt live-ban el a mai ember....


    a finalis peldamutato lesz : nagy csapatnak nagy perrel


    .....szep leanyok , szep leanyok szep leanyok ne sirjatok....hullanak mar , hullanak mar , hullanak mar a csillagok...



  20. 2017. július 2. 07:1944.

    Lerobban ... tik tik tik tik tik
    Ma tiltakozas lesz ellene : tobb mint egymillionyi "nép" keri/koveteli a kirugasat....

    Sajat partja kér-konyorog, hogy ne puffantson a sajat lababa : a sok tweet megmarad es az elmeallapotarol arulkodik...Ezek olyan bizonyitekok, amire nem fogja tudni rakenni , hogy faknyuz ! ...

    A felelet : meg piszkosabb tweetek es mellveregetes : EN IGY NYERTEM es IGY FOGOM LEGYOZNI A SAJTOT


    Donald Trump goes on unhinged tirade after Republicans tell him to stop tweeting toxic garbage
  21. 2017. július 2. 07:0543.

    Mai szennyes

    Eszak Amerikanak nincs elnoke !

    "Little Rock tonight is a river city of tears," Rabbi Barry Block said at the interfaith event.

    Kioktatni Angliat volt esze Trumpnak , s verni nagy szarkeveröass-jat  a foldbe nagy szinhaz volt , de elsodlegesen csak a sajat egoja korul legyeskedik : möszjö President inkabb twitterezett , mint reagalt volna ki kire miert es hol lovoldozik a "sajat" szemetdombjan...

    Little Rock shooting played out as Donald Trump tweeted more garbage about Morning Joe and Greta

    De : Miert nem tudositottak errol azonnal????
    En gondolom , hogy miert : kiadhatta parancsban, hogy O reggel TV-vel es twitterrel kezdi es ebben Ot tilos zavarni , mert O a nep altal megvalasztott elnok es ez neki JOGOT ad MINDENRE ... valoban, ahogy a cikk irja : el van vagva Amerikatol: Nala az elso O MAGA , Trump great again


    Reggel 7 utan az ujsagok mar tudattak a hirt , möszjö President 9 h-kor , ra se rantva , mocskolodott 

    Trump started with “Word is that Greta Van Susteren was let go by her out of control bosses at NBC & Comcast because she refused to go along w/ ‘Trump hate!'” – and unfounded claim that he appears to have simply made up. Then he baselessly accused various states of an imaginary voter fraud conspiracy. Then he attacked CNN for being “fake news.” Then, for the third morning in a row, he launched a vicious personal attack on the Morning Joe co-hosts: “Crazy Joe Scarborough and dumb as a rock Mika are not bad people, but their low rated show is dominated by their NBC bosses. Too bad!”

    Nowhere in any of Trump’s tweets was any mention of the Little Rock shooting – even though at the time it was believed that the lives of several Americans were on the line. Eventually the news surfaced that everyone survived. But America received that information from the Associated Press (link) at 11:45am, and not from its President, who still hasn’t mentioned the shooting. Because, as Donald Trump keeps demonstrating, there is no President of the United States.


  22. 2017. július 1. 16:1342.

    Elall az ember esze : az Egyesult Allamok elnoke netfuggo es közelharcol!.... mint a habzoszaju extremjobb Houstonzsuzsa es a taskajat szorongato meghatoan gyagyas kekelefant a Noklapja kloakajaban

    Crazy Joe Scarborough and dumb as a rock Mika are not bad people, but their low rated show is dominated by their NBC bosses. Too bad!


  23. 2017. július 1. 08:1341.

    a kép!

    Torolt_felhasznalo_176902 (40)
    2017-07-01  08:12
  24. 2017. július 1. 08:1240.

    tik tik tik

    Mai felemelt piszkos lepedo

    Kerdesek :

    A Jared Kushner !?
    El fogja vinni a shlimazel /=balszerencse heber nyelven/
    Trump neveben zsarolgat... most hogy sullyed a hajo , ez nagyon nagy butasag : mert a tobbi , "hüseges" , /=mas szennyekkel tokenel elkapott s tartott/-  haver , atallt beköpöbe....

    Mibe is halt bele Peter w Smith ?
    Aaaamerikaban  is kinyirnak zsenans szajakat ????
    Oroszok amerikait nem gyilkoltatnak le , de otthon naluk 2016 vegetol 2017 januarjaig 5-6 orosz halalozott el termeszetes halallal , nem ? - s mind veletlenul ugyanabba az amerikai valasztasos  szarba leptek bele... Ez legalabb vilagos , Putyin nem hazudik : nem lehet reszukrol bizonyitani semmit : nem hagytak nyomot...

    Miert nem fogadta el Trumtol a "megtisztelest" ,  az "allast" a Kellyanne Conway ferje ?
    BahhhahhhMert egyutt dolgozott a "meghalt" Peter W Smith-tel....

    Mit/kiket  huz csöbe  Peter W smith twitterezese ? A houstonzsuzsan kivul...
    Gyülik , gyülik a lista

    ....ez a nagy twitterdivat egy hatalmas archivumot general... Halistennek...

    Trump-Russia collusion figure Peter W. Smith tweeted Sean Spicer, Sean Hannity, and hackers


    July 1, 2017


    Trump-Russia election collusion figure Peter Smith worked with Kellyanne Conway’s husband


    July 1, 2017


    New Trump-Russia collusion document is dated one day before Jeff Sessions met with Russian Ambassador


    June 30, 2017


    The mysterious death of Trump-connected Russia-colluding Republican strategist Peter W. Smith


    June 30, 2017


    Dead Russia-collluding GOP strategist cited Steve Bannon, Kellyanne Conway, other Donald Trump advisers


    June 30, 2017


    Donald Trump and Jared Kushner privately tried to blackmail Morning Joe over National Enquirer story



  25. 2017. június 30. 07:2439.

    A Wall Street journal is faknyuzik, vagy sem ?

    Az mekkora bun , amirol Peter Smith beszel ?
    Melyik a nagyubb bun : az , hogy a  GAP/Flynn   ellopatja orosz "hozzaertovel" a MMe Clinton leveleit , vagy az hogy a FLynne/Trump/GAP altal lopott levelezes nyilvanosba kerul es e miatt kikialtlak Mme Clintont dutyisnak ?
    Kivancsi vagyok , mi lesz ennek a vege

    tik tik tik tik tik tik

    Republican operative sought emails stolen by Russian hackers, promised to give them to Michael Flynn
  26. 2017. június 30. 07:0138.

    Tik tik tik tik tik ...a bomba

    Szavaztunk ? Hogyhogy a GAP is magara csinal ? A GAP is  "népellenes" lett  ?

    Republican-controlled House committee votes to take away Donald Trump’s war powers

    Fakardra cserelik neki az Övéi a  bombak anyjat ?

    ".....the GOP now fears Trump’s declining psychological state as much as the rest of us do...."

  27. 2017. június 29. 15:2937.

    B+ valaki aludjon mar valaki a telefonja mellett...EZ AMERIKA ELNOKE ???????????? Még a habzoszaju Houstonzsuzsa is intelligensebb!
    Sot : a  Sheriff is

    Valaki mondja mar meg neki, hogy bábkent is O az elnok ! Egy elnok, aki 300 millio emberert van , az nem kopheti be valakinek a  fajdalmas liftingjet  es nem ovodaskodhat, hogy "aki engem szeret az nem baratkozik a Marikaval/Pistikevel, mert az hulyeeeeeeee "

    Ez nem egy elnok : ez egy veszelyes elmebeteg

  28. 2017. június 29. 08:4436.

    Houstonkam! Nincs tobb idom , en szeretek utanaolvasni es most a fox newset is beleveszem a dokukba .... elrohanok, de majd meg meselek , mert van meg mit a mai szennyesbol!

  29. 2017. június 29. 08:4135.


    Exasperated Rex Tillerson loses it while at White House, begins yelling at Donald Trump’s staff

    Sirnom kellene de halalra vihogom magamat : Rex , a Tillerson uvolt az ures irodjaban : nem vehet fel senkit, pedig odacsalva a laba elé , Trump szabad kezet adott neki arra , hogy felvegye a munkajahoz szukseges embereket ... Problema : azzal a kikotessel, hogy ne legyen demo , es ne legyen olyan a masik partbol, aki nem bizik benne es mar "elarulta"

    Igy tortent , hogy SENKIT sem talal

    Ezert nem csinal semmit ez az elnok : uresek az irodak.
    Csak TV van , a csalad , az unokak , a Twitter es a golf , meg az uvoltozes , a gyulolet , a csalas/lopas/zsebteletoltes...

  30. 2017. június 29. 08:3034.

    A fox news nevu fake-ujsagga valt cucc egyik 2015-os cikke.... Mutatja , mi miatt szorong ez az ember, aki orszaganak biztonsagaert felelos es mi az , ami nem erdekli az egesz buliban trumpot , mert ami Trumpot erdekli az nem az orszag es a "nep" , az az , hogy O gyozott , hogy EGYEDUL gyozott , hogy neki nagyobb volt a beiktatasi tomege , hogy neki a felesege a legszebb  , a farka a leghosszabb... stb

    Torolt_felhasznalo_176902 (33)
    2017-06-29  08:18
  31. 2017. június 29. 08:1833.


    NSA Director Mike Rogers complains to Congress about Donald Trump


    Ki ki ki a Michael ?

    Michael S. Rogers (born October 31, 1959) is a United States Navy admiral who serves as Director of the National Security Agency (NSA), Commander of the U.S. Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM) and Chief of the Central Security Service (CSS) since April 3, 2014. Prior to that, Rogers served as the Commander of the Tenth Fleet and Commander of the U.S. Fleet Cyber Command.[1][2]



    Az a problemaja , es a Kongresszusnak panaszkodik errol, hogy Trumppappa  semmibe veszi a hazát fenyegeto orosz beavatkozast es fo problemaja az , hogy de igen!!!  O nyerte a valasztasokat es csakis csakis a sajat szep szemei s mosolya  miatt es nem azert , mert tronra báb-ültette Oroszorszag... Azt mondja a Michael , hogy ez a baby ehhez az elnoki munkahoz nem mélto.
    ....that Donald Trump had tried and failed to lean on Mike Rogers, in the hope of getting him to meddle in the FBI’s investigation into the Trump-Russia collusion scandal (link). The NSA ended up documenting Trump’s attempts at obstruction in memos, which will likely end up being used as evidence in the Special Counsel investigation being led by Robert Mueller.

    In the mean time, the willingness of Mike Rogers to complain about Donald Trump to Congress means that you’re not just imagining it when it comes to Trump’s level of sheer unsuitability for the job. Trump truly is ignoring key verifiable threats to the United States, simply because he doesn’t want to have to admit to himself that Russian election interference is why he’s in office to begin with, and that he didn’t really win the election of his own accord.

  32. 2017. június 29. 07:5532.

    Mai szennyes :

    FBI descends on cybersecurity firm with links to Donald Trump campaign and the Russian intel community


    tik tik tik tik tik tik tik ...mondja a bomba

    Az FBI  kutakszik ?
    Micsoda név-dalcsokor a kosaraban : Kaspersky Lab , Michael Flynn , Eugene Kaspersky , Ruslan Stoyanov , Russian President Vladimir Putin

    A Flinn ott dolgozott Eugennel es Ruslannal , aztan Trumpnak , ket munka kozott vacsizott Vladimirral... Eugene dolgozott a KGB-vel is  , s a legerdekesebb nev , Flinn kollegaja , "patriotic thieves" , a Ruslan Stoyanov, szinten dolgozott az orosz belugyben....Ezek a szegyenletes valasztaskori hajsza alatt  mind mind egy idoben ossze-vissza talalkoztak. A puzzle elobb-utan osszeall
    Stoyanovot letartoztattak januarban  . ??????????
    Belelog az orra christopher Steel dossieba... abba a 30 oldalas , liberalis testverek altal megrendelt dosszieba , amiben a Trump lepisili orosz , fizetett ,  szepmosolyu , pro holgyekkel az Obamaek altal egyszer hasznalt hotelagyat.   Forras Meglepetes2  ... s meg egy lien errol

    Szoval nekem hirtelenjeben ilyen cuccok ugranak be arrol, hogy az FBI elbeszelget a Flinn "regi" munkahelyen...


  33. 2017. június 28. 07:5331.
  34. 2017. június 28. 06:3830.

    tik tik tik tik tik tik ...mikor robban ?

    Penzugyi bunugyrekordot is felallitott Trumppappa , Amerika szegyene : napvilagra jutott , VéGRE , nehany ezer oldal arrol , hogy van aki a szarosbugyit mossa feherre , van aki az oroszok penzet....
    A hü csatlosok is , Végre , az igazsag mellé allnak , persze nem ingyen : buntetlenseg a cserepenz...

    U.S. Treasury turns over thousands of pages of financial crime records on Donald Trump and Russia


    .... fuhoz fahoz kapkodik az öregur es faknyuzkodik , hogy elterelje "népjének" figyelmét...


  35. 2017. június 27. 22:3129.

    Jared's a dick

    Mai szennyes

  36. 2017. június 27. 21:5828.

    U.S. Image Suffers as Publics Around World Question Trump’s Leadership

    America still wins praise for its people, culture and civil liberties

  37. 2017. június 27. 08:0427.

    tik tik tik tik tik

    mai szennyes

  38. 2017. június 26. 07:5126.

    A mai szennyes

    Ivanka , aki eddig sajat maga vallat veregette , hogy O aktivan reszt vesz a kollekciok kesziteseben /sot "rajzolja/tervezi" a divatcuccait..most tagadja

    Jared egyre melyebbre sullyed torvenyszego piszkos penzugyeivel

    Putyin is otthagyja az rosszagu oroszlant

    Ivanka Trump ordered to testify in trial after judge rejects her ridiculous excuse




    Vladimir Putin and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak just pulled the plug on Donald Trump




    Jared Kushner received massive loan during election from Russian money laundering bank





    Donald Trump is this close to totally losing it over Russia and taking himself down


  39. 2017. június 25. 20:5325.

    A Happy familiabol az elso lany ferje : kivancsian varom a valaszokat a feltett kerdesekre

    Nem vagyok naiva : ha Trump igazsagugyminisztere problema nelkul hazudhat esku alatt , akkor ez a taknyos nem fogja magat zavartatni....


    Bipartisan Senate inquiry goes after Jared Kushner’s security clearance

  40. 2017. június 25. 07:4724.

    A John Cornyn , a twitteren szuperokos . 
    Azt mondja: a mi reformunk sokkal jobb , mert 142 oldalba belefer... az Obamacare- az meg 2700 oldalas ...
    A nagyokosok nem kezdtek ujra : belejavitgattak...

    Azonnali reakciok twitteren : a Biblia kb 1200 oldalas , a Mein Campf pedig 700...

    300 oldalas regenybol 10 oldalas regenyt csinalni : jobb lesz-e a regeny tole ?

    Megborotvaltak az Obamacaret , hogy telitegyek a zsebuket es megoljek a "szegenyeket" es a kozeposztaly..

    Republican Senator gets shellacked after bragging about Trumpcare bill


  41. 2017. június 25. 07:2623.

    Miert szabaditotta ki elobb ?=Miert nem szabaditotta ki elobb ? /Otto Warmbier-t/

  42. 2017. június 25. 07:1822.


    Miert szabaditotta ki elobb ?
    5 honapja elnok , a fotelbaules utan minden folyamatban levo ugy miatt felelosseg az O vallan van...
    mai friss-->


  43. 2017. június 24. 07:1421.

    Honapok ota hazudik


    "Ha nekem szavazol , Putyinnak szavazol...."..tweet-valasz az Egyesult Allamok elnokenek tweetjere
    Ott a nep , hogy megallas nelkul at van razva ?
    .... betegen es ehen fognak kimulni ?

    Egy orult alzheimeres oregember hogyan vezethet/meg/  ennyi embert ?


    Everyone piles on after Donald Trump slips up and admits Russia rigged the election for him

  44. 2017. június 22. 09:1219.


    Kellyanne Conway is under investigation for Russia ties


    A Kellyanne is ???????????? //ez a csaj leszophatta egy ideig , nagyon olyan tipusu plasztikai muremek , ami Trump esete...//
    nem eleg, hogy buta mint az ass , hazug , raadasul O is az orosz tolvajok penzebol csinalja a beruhazasait ...
    Az egesz trump adminisztracio orosz-fuggo ?
    A hal , hogy be ne kopje egyikuk az oroszozo bandabol , elkotelezi oket "baberkoszorus" allassal, a hires amerikai igazsagugyben  ? Abban az igazsagugyben, ahol a fonoknek szabad esku alatt hazudnia orszag-vilag elott....A Sassions az mit csinal ott meg mindig?
    Tudta a vén Troll , hogy a Kellyanne ferje oroszokkal valo paktalas miatt vizsgalat alatt all , megis es ennek ellenere az Igazsagugybe akarja kinevezni!!?
    A masik fasz visszautasitja : en marha azt hittem, Trump-ellenes , csodaltam , miért is nincs visszhang Trumptol..
    Fenét Trump ellenes a szopis Kellyanne ferje : kenytelen visszautasitani egy olyan allast , amiben befolyasolhatna az igazsagugyet .
    A patkannyal teli hajo  sullyed, nem akarja megduplazni az eljovendo dutyis eveit...
    Ez a sok compromittalt amerikai nepet atrazo fasz be fogja kopni a nagyfonokot es a houstonzsuzsat  :  nyuzok  elleneben immunitast fognak mind mind negocialni.
    Dogoljon a hal feje , akitol buzlik Amerika...
    Hu de budos banda , az amerikai nep gerinctelen aldozata ennek a sok szemetnek.

    If anyone in the Donald Trump administration isn’t under investigation, can they raise their hand? At this point Trump himself, along with at least two of his children, plus advisers Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort, Carter Page, and too many others to list, are all under one form of investigation or another – most of them for their ties to Russia. Now it turns out White House Senior Adviser Kellyanne Conway is also being investigated for Russia ties.

    Scott Dworkin of the Democratic Coalition Against Trump made the following announcement today: “Breaking: Kellyanne Conway now under investigation for her Russian biz ties” (link). For reference he pointed to an existing report that Conway’s husband George Conway represented a firm that was accused of taking a Russian bribe (link). Although this is a private investigation and not a government investigation, it comes at the worst possible time for Trump and his White House.

    Donald Trump recently admitted publicly that he’s being investigated by the Feds for obstruction of justice, though his attorney later denied that Trump had said these words. The Feds are also investigating several of Trump’s top campaign advisers for their secret communications with the Russian government. Trump’s Attorney General Jeff Sessions is believed to be under investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller for the same thing, and for subsequently lying about his Russian meetings under oath.

    In addition, the State Attorney General of New York recently began investigating Eric Trump’s charity after it was revealed that Donald Trump had been improperly profiting from it. And the Democratic Coalition is also investigating Ivanka Trump’s foreign business dealings. For that matter, several other members of the Trump administration – including Sessions and Vice President Mike Pence – have hired attorneys to personally represent them as the Russia scandal continues to explode. So who’s next?

  45. 2017. június 22. 08:1518.

    maggiozo=maffiozo szemuveg!!!!!!

    Torolt_felhasznalo_176902 (17)
    2017-06-22  08:14
  46. 2017. június 22. 08:1417.

    Az orosz maffia tolti tele a szepseges Ivanka es tesoi zsebet... es raadasul az orosz maggiozo FBI besugo... Hat remelem ebbol a cuccbol legalabb egy kis szikra igazsag kibujik...

    Donald Trump Jr and Ivanka Trump tied to Russian mafia and money laundering


    It’s always been nearly a given that if investigators dug deeply enough into Donald Trump’s financial history, they’d unearth connections to everything from money laundering rings to the Russian mafia. The dots have always been there, and the media has already connected some of them in recent years. But what’s now emerging is that two of Trump’s children have long had business ties to those nefarious entities as well.

    That’s according to a new report from Bloomberg, which ties together some previously known pieces of the puzzle along with some new revelations that are still surfacing as we speak (link). What’s already long been known is that Donald Trump had a financial relationship with Felix Sater, who has done prison time for his financial ties to the Russian mafia. But there’s now a twist in the story: Sater’s company had a close and prolonged business relationship with Donald Trump Jr and Ivanka Trump as well.

    For nearly a decade, Trump and his two children worked with Sater’s company on one real estate deal after another, including the Trump Soho hotel in New York City. In addition to Sater having been convicted and imprisoned for his financial ties to the Russian mafia, his company has been accused (but not proven) to have been a front for Russian money laundering.This means that when Special Counsel Robert Mueller begins formally investigating Donald Trump’s ties to Felix Sater and his company (if he hasn’t begun digging into it already), it’ll place Donald Trump Jr and Ivanka Trump right at the center of the investigation. What did Ivanka and Don Junior know about Sater’s ties to the Russian mafia and money laundering, and when did they know it? Did they continue to do business with him after finding out? Even worse for them, Sater was an FBI informant, meaning the Feds may already have those answers.

  47. 2017. június 20. 07:5116.

    A egyik Mme Clinton-ellenes argumentacio az volt, hogy "beteg" es e miatt az elnoki "job" nem neki lett kitalalva

    Trumpot a guta fogja megutni ?

    Donald Trump’s staffers complain that he’s become “agitated” and “exhausted”

  48. 2017. június 20. 07:2914.

    Penz beszel , kutya ugat...Flynn hazudik , a huseges legjobb baratok egyike , menti a boret es "egyuttmukodik" ?

    Senator reveals Michael Flynn may have already cut a deal with the FBI against Donald Trump

  49. 2017. június 20. 07:1413.

    Flynn - a napi krimi... oroszok es Saudarabia kozotti nuklearis egyezmeny ? 100 ezer milliard ?

    Michael Flynn went to Saudi Arabia, stayed in fake hotel, cut secret nuclear deal with the Russians
    By Bill Palmer

    Former Donald Trump National Security Adviser Michael Flynn has just seen his legal troubles compounded. In addition to the secret payments he illegally failed to report from the governments of Turkey and Russia, and his secret coordination with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak during the Trump campaign, Flynn has now been busted for something that sounds like it comes straight out of an airport gift shop spy novel.

    Democratic leaders in Congress have discovered that months before Michael Flynn became a Donald Trump campaign adviser, he traveled to Saudi Arabia for what he pretended was a speech, according to ABC News (link). But that speech never existed, according to his own speaking company. Flynn also claimed he stayed in the King Khaled International Hotel, which appears to be a fake hotel that he simply made up. So what was he really doing there?

    It turns out Flynn was negotiating a nuclear deal between Saudi Arabia and – you guessed it – the Russians. That deal ended up being worth $100 billion in total. It’s not immediately clear whether or not Flynn broke the law by brokering that deal. But he did break the law by lying about the nature of his trip on his disclosure forms. And by going to so far as to list a fake speech and a fake hotel as cover, he can’t claim he simply misremembered the trip; this is evidence of consciousness of guilt.

    Michael Flynn is already on the hook for a number of alleged felonies, and he recently invoked the Fifth Amendment to try to buy himself time as Congress continues to dig into his antics. But with Special Counsel Robert Mueller having recently taken over the FBI’s ongoing criminal investigation into Flynn, it’s a given that Mueller will now be looking into this matter, if it wasn’t already on his radar. If Donald Trump and Mike Pence knew Flynn was lying about his Saudi trip when they hired him, they’re on the hook as well.


  50. 2017. június 20. 07:0212.
    Torolt_felhasznalo_176902 (11)
    2017-06-19  23:34
  51. 2017. június 19. 23:3411.

    Ez valami szanalmas remalom ?

  52. 2017. június 18. 23:1110.

    Hazudozik, sajat vallat veri a twitteren , s nem tudja    -mert Ot tilos zavarni!-   hogy buta hazudozas helyett 7 halottat kellene bucsuztatnia ...
    Eljen kedd , es Jon ossoff!

    Donald Trump slammed for tweeting ignorant garbage after seven U.S. Navy sailors found dead
    By Bill Palmer

    Late last night, seven U.S. Navy sailors were tragically found dead in the aftermath of an accidental collision with a container ship off the coast of Japan (link). This morning Donald Trump rolled out of bed and quickly began firing off a series of tweets. But rather than addressing the U.S. military deaths, Trump instead tweeted a bunch of ignorant garbage.

    Here were the three tweets which Trump posted early Sunday morning: “The MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN agenda is doing very well despite the distraction of the Witch Hunt. Many new jobs, high business enthusiasm, massive regulation cuts, 36 new legislative bills signed, great new S.C.Justice, and Infrastructure, Healthcare and Tax Cuts in works! The new Rasmussen Poll, one of the most accurate in the 2016 Election, just out with a Trump 50% Approval Rating.That’s higher than O’s #’s!”

    There are several problems with the above tweets. Despite his claims. Trump has created no new jobs, he’s but a damper on the economy such that job growth has dramatically slowed, he’s signed no meaningful legislation, he’s trying to take health care away from tens of millions of Americans, and he has no tax plan. In addition the Rasmussen poll is a consistent outlier to the point of being a punchline, and Trump’s real approval rating based is around 37% on the overall averages. But the real problem of course was the timing of his rant.

    After Donald Trump tweeted the above ignorant lying garbage this morning, he received immediate and widespread pushback from Twitter users who called him out on his lies while also shaming him for not bothering to say a word about the deaths of seven U.S. Navy sailors the night before. So we’ll say what the “President of the United States” couldn’t be bothered to: our profound thanks goes to the sailors for their service and sacrifice, and our deepest condolences go out to their loved ones.

  53. 2017. június 18. 07:129.

    a sheriff is elhuzott : nem akar keresztet tenni a palyafutasara ????

  54. 2017. június 18. 06:088.

    Koszonom szepen
    Tovabbi kellemes forumozast

    penteki (7)
    2017-06-18  00:51
  55. 2017. június 18. 00:517.


  56. 2017. június 18. 00:066.

    Azon a kis Ivankan van a sor : ebben a csaladban mindenkinek e-e-s a fulecskeje?

    Ivanka Trump now under investigation for foreign business ties
    By Bill Palmer
    Updated: 5:45 pm EDT Sat Jun 17, 2017

    If any member of the Trump family isn’t being investigated for alleged or potential crimes, can they please raise their hand? At the end of a week which has seen Donald Trump, Eric Trump, and Jared Kushner all brought under investigation in one form or another, now we can add another member of the family to the list: Ivanka Trump is being investigated for her foreign business ties.

    That’s the word from political insider Scott Dworkin, whose group the Democratic Coalition Against Trump has launched an investigation into Ivanka Trump for her “Russian, Chinese, African & Middle Eastern biz ties” (link). The group isn’t giving away its hand just yet by providing additional details. But this does come shortly after activists mysteriously disappeared who had been investigating the overseas factories in which Ivanka Trump branded products are manufactured.

    This comes just days after Special Counsel Robert Mueller was confirmed to be investigating Donald Trump for obstruction of justice in relation to his firing of FBI Director James Comey, as well as investigating Ivanka Trump’s husband Jared Kushner for potential financial ties to Russian banks. It was also revealed this week that the State Attorney General of New York is investigating Eric Trump’s charity, which Donald Trump appears to have been abusing in a for-profit manner. Donald Trump Junior is not known to be under investigation, but he did slip up this week and admit that Comey was telling the truth about the circumstances of his firing.

    There has long been the hypothetical question of whether Donald Trump would be willing to preemptively resign in the hope of protecting his own children from being taken down by investigations into their shared business ventures. With most of the key members of the Trump family now being investigated for alleged or potential crimes in one manner or another, that question is no longer a hypothetical one. Now we see how Trump decides to play this bad hand.

  57. 2017. június 17. 23:345.

    Tul szep lenne , ha a vilagszegyene lemondana... de ugy nez ki , hogy ez a kiraly még lemondva is dutyiban vegezne....
    a VILAG csak nyerne vele..

     Report: White House staffers are discussing when, not if, Donald Trump will resign
    By Bill Palmer
    Updated: 4:42 pm EDT Sat Jun 17, 2017

    Donald Trump is holed up in Camp David this week, a place he hates, and is reportedly refusing to meet or speak with anyone on his staff. This comes at the end of a week in which he was exposed as being under criminal investigation, and responded by exploding on Twitter in self incriminating fashion. Now comes word that Trump’s staffers are expecting him to resign.

    That’s the word from political insider Jon Cooper, who has shared the following: “WH source: Alarmed Trump staffers are starting to talk about WHEN (not if) Trump will resign. Wondering if Pence will be forced out, too.” (link). No specific timetable is known to have been discussed. Rather, by framing it in terms of when and not if, White House staffers are expressing their expectation that Trump’s resignation is now inevitable (keep in mind that inevitable does not mean imminent).

    This raises the question of why some of Donald Trump’s staffers are now expecting him to resign, rather than merely expecting that he’ll be ousted through impeachment of the 25th Amendment. His staff has been working closely with him on a daily basis for half a year, and they may now be interpreting his latest words or behavior as a sign that he knows it’s time to bail out before things get worse. Or they may have heard him say as much. It’s also notable that the White House staff thinks Mike Pence may also be a goner.

    Pence recently hired an attorney to personally represent him in the Russia probe. He’s also launched a fundraising PAC which appears aimed at paying his legal bills, suggesting that he expects to be a central target of the investigation in prolonged manner which will result in massive attorneys fees. Former FBI Director James Comey confirmed during his recent testimony that Pence knew early on that Michael Flynn was dirty, suggesting that he may have been in on the coverup.

  58. 2017. június 17. 23:204.

    Mi a fenet csinal ott egyes-egyedul ????
    Nezi a falakat , vagy nezi a Tv-t , vagy valami kotelet teker a nyakara ?

    Torolt_felhasznalo_176902 (3)
    2017-06-17  23:18
  59. 2017. június 17. 23:183.

    Hat ugy nez ki , nem mukodik...
    Pont amikor egyutt akartam sirni a Houstonnal

    Donald Trump holed up in isolation at Camp David, refuses to meet with anyone
    By Bill Palmer
    Updated: 2:29 pm EDT Sat Jun 17, 2017 | 0

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    As the week has gone on and it’s become more clear just how serious of legal trouble he’s in, his behavior has become more angry and despondent. There have been angry Twitter rants, and reports that he’s been reduced to screaming at White House television sets. Now he’s at Camp David for the first time, amid word that he’s holed up there in isolation and refusing to hold meetings with anyone.

    That’s the word from former Secret Service investigator Pesach ‘Pace’ Lattin, who posted the following today: “Trump has isolated himself at Camp David and refusing to see anyone. He has no appointments for 60 hours” (link). He then went on to add “Trump once implied Camp David was a rustic shit hole. Isolating himself for almost three days there is telling” (link). This is the only time Trump has gone to the official presidential retreat, as he’s gone golfing at his own resorts nearly every weekend since taking office.

    So what is Donald Trump actually doing at Camp David? It is a good place for him to hole himself up in relative isolation. If he were at one of his own resorts this weekend, members would be coming and going, and he would have a more difficult time remaining isolated. But even then, it’s startling to hear of a sitting president going three days without being willing to meet with anyone on his own team. Is he staring at cable news? Merely staring at the walls?

    In any case Donald Trump has reached the point where he’s essentially gone into hiding, at an isolated resort he purports to hate, at a time when the investigations into his criminal scandals are exploding and it’s increasingly clear that his presidency is destined to fail. At this point, is he sitting around thinking about his legal defense, or resignation?

  60. 2017. június 17. 22:322.

    elso hozzaszolas

